Polish army backpack

The Polish WZ89 army backpack (aka Frog or Puma camouflage) is a cheap and simple backpack. Just a big sack with two straps on it. It was in use in the Polish army from 1989 and until 1993. The typical camouflage pattern is called the Zába Pattern, which in polish for Frog. On military surplus store websites it is also called the Polish Puma camouflage pattern. In Germany this camouflage pattern is often referred as Pumatarn.

International army-surplus website Varusteleka.com starts their sales description with: The saddest, most terrible attempt to make military gear, ever. And then continues with a story about all the negative points about this backpack. A truly unique way of advertising your products. Only in the army surplus world.

Since every disadvantage has it’s advantage this article tells about possible uses for this backpack.

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